The ZAAC is the activities committee of Aquifer and organizes activities such as the pubquiz, karaokenight, cocktailnight, boardcrawl, Aquiferdiners and the “afzwemmen”. The ZAAC has a meeting about once a month.
The NSZKcie
There are five swimming competitions each year, each competition is in another city, organised by the different student swimming associations around the Netherlands. When the competition takes place in Wageningen, the NSZKcie organises the competition, the predrink and the party.
Every academic year we have an Aquifer weekend. For this weekend things like a location, activities, groceries and stuff like that need to be arranged by the weekendcie.
In 2023 is the fourth lustrum of Aquifer. Because of this all kinds of activities will be organized during this year by the lustrumcie.
The website of Aquifer needs to be up to date. Articles have to be written for and be placed on the website, this is what the webcie does. Even if you do not have that much knowledge of computers, you are welcome in this committee.
Board of Advice (Raad van Advies)
This committee consists of old board members of S and gives (unwanted) advice to the current board, for example before each General Members Association.
Financial Control Committee (KasControle Commissie)
This committee consists of old treasurers, who can provide advice and help to the current treasurer and check up every 3 months.
If you want more information about our committees, you can contact us via