
The 12th of January the board had their constitution drink, and we want to thank everyone who was there! It was a great succes; there were many Aquifer members and other boards, there was music, there were drinks and food and we were a little (?) tipsy. The other boards, […]

Constitution drink

In January the Aquifers have had the pleasure of receiving personal training lessons from someone from the Bongerd during our regular dry trainings. These lessons focused on coordination, technique, and efficiency in movement. In an unprecedented moment in Aquifer history the subscription for these lessons was full in less than two […]

Strength training

Last Thursday the 2nd of Novembers Aquifer went to pool cafe infinity here in wageningen.  Because the training was cancelled  this was an excellent time to try out a different  “pool” for once. Here the Aquifers played some casual games against each other and later once when everyone was getting better at it, […]


It was a battle of titans last November 15th at the Aquifer Pubquiz, and one team emerged from the ashes to claim the victory! Thrilling rounds about music, spelling, riddles and many more, but PC Diversity managed to stay cool and managed to win. It was an exciting evening, and the […]


Wednesday the 27th of November, after the training it was time for the game night! A nice evening to catch up with for the Aquifers while having a drink and playing awesome games. We started with ‘Who am I?’ For some people it wasn’t that hard because they were the […]

Game night